How old is Angelo Cataldi? When is Angelo Cataldi's birthday? Where is Angelo Cataldi born? Where did Angelo Cataldi grow up from? What's Angelo Cataldi's age?

Angelo Cataldi Born: March 13, 1951 (age 72years), Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Is Angelo Cataldi married? When did Angelo Cataldi get married? Who's Angelo Cataldi's married to? (Who's Angelo Cataldi's husband / wife)?

Angelo Cataldi Spouse: Gail Cataldi

How about Angelo Cataldi's notabl_work?

Angelo Cataldi Notabl_work: Wing Bowl

What happened to Angelo Cataldi?

WIP's new lineup debuts Monday

Attempting to follow Cataldi's long run and retain his sizable audience will be WIP hosts Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie, who are moving from middays to take over the morning slot. They'll be joined by Hughes and producers James Seltzer and Joe Weachter.

How much does Angelo Cataldi make?

WIP's new lineup debuts Monday

Attempting to follow Cataldi's long run and retain his sizable audience will be WIP hosts Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie, who are moving from middays to take over the morning slot. They'll be joined by Hughes and producers James Seltzer and Joe Weachter.

Who is on the Angelo Cataldi show?

WIP's new lineup debuts Monday

Attempting to follow Cataldi's long run and retain his sizable audience will be WIP hosts Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie, who are moving from middays to take over the morning slot. They'll be joined by Hughes and producers James Seltzer and Joe Weachter.

Who is the new cast of WIP morning Show?

WIP's new lineup debuts Monday

Attempting to follow Cataldi's long run and retain his sizable audience will be WIP hosts Joe DeCamara and Jon Ritchie, who are moving from middays to take over the morning slot. They'll be joined by Hughes and producers James Seltzer and Joe Weachter.
