Louis Vuitton's engraved chopsticks set is going viral on TikTok after creator Jeffrey Huang showcased them in a video.
Posted on March 18, 2022, the video has already amassed 4 million views and 397.4K likes.
In the video, a Louis Vuitton employee can be seen unwrapping a brown monogram canvas case to reveal four glistening golden chopsticks.
Huang's voiceover said:
“You won’t believe what finally came in. It’s the new Louis Vuitton chopsticks. Comes in this really cute monogram pouch.”Here's how much the Louis Vuitton chopsticks cost
Marketed as an amalgamation of practicality and superior craftsmanship, Louis Vuitton's description of the engraved chopsticks set reads:
"The design features four finely engraved chopsticks and two stands presented in a Monogram canvas case. Elegant details include Monogram Flowers on the tips of the chopsticks and natural cowhide trims, while the bright microfiber lining is a nod to the red envelopes offered during Chinese New Year."Huang revealed the price of the chopsticks set in his TikTok:
“These retail for only $1,640. What a steal. I love that there's monogram all over it. I heard that these enhance the flavor of your food.”How viewers reacted to the price of the chopsticks set
Huang's reveal of the $1640.00 price tag drew a flurry of reactions under the post.
YouTuber Jackie Aina asked:
“Nah I stopped the video at $1,640 😭 Are they even real gold!?”Other TikTok users had the same question.
However, the chopsticks are, in fact, not real gold and are described as "gold-colored hardware."
The gold color of the chopsticks has led many people to believe that the shocking price tag is just an extension of the L.V. brand image.
Another user pointed out the disparity in the chopsticks' actual cost of production and their retail price:
“They ripping y’all off 😭 probably cost $20 dollars to make."Meanwhile, other users made light-hearted jokes about not being able to afford the luxury chopsticks set themselves.
One user commented:
“I am NOT eating my $0.49 noodles with $1,640 chopsticks.”Jamie Liang commented on Huang's Instagram reel:
"At that price they better make my white rice taste like something from a 3 star Michelin restaurant😂"Huang's choice of words and the emphasis on "only" $1640.00 also drew special attention from his followers.
One user joked:
“ONLY For 1640 😂 I’m just gonna use my hands, they’re free."Someone even asked:
“Is this serious or satirical?”Those who aren't familiar with Huang's usual content style may be left wondering if the chopsticks video was satirical.
However, the content creator is a self-proclaimed Louis Vuitton collector, giving his followers a “daily dose of luxury” on his page.
Since Huang is a connoisseur of the finer things in life, it's only natural that he wasn't too fazed at the cost of the chopsticks set. He also made other purchases from the L.V. store that day, including a bright red outdoor messenger bag and a bespoke blue L.V. flower.
Despite spending $1900 on that haul, Huang called the price "not bad," which is yet another indication of his familiarity with the lifestyle.
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